Tips for Keeping your Pooch Safe on Halloween

Posted on October 29 2015

Image source: / Instagram: @sircharlesdoodleHalloween is upon us and with that comes the slew of candy that we are either passing out to little ghosts and goblins or bringing into our home. That got us thinking about our pets & Halloween treats. We wanted to do a little research to see how Halloween candy can affect our dogs and wanted to share that with you. Keep in mind, if you’re a seasoned pet owner, it's always a good idea to brush up on your knowledge!  

First, chocolate is a HUGE no-no for dogs, even if it’s small amounts. According to Pet360, there are 3 ingredients in chocolate: theobromine, methylxanthine and caffeine that can lead dogs to have severe and even lethal reactions.

They go on to mention that symptoms can range from increased thirst, vomiting and diarrhea to more life-threatening symptoms such as pancreatitis. Pet360 even has a dog chocolate toxicity meter that is worth checking out.

The bottom line here is that if you think your dog has ingested chocolate to NOT wait to go to the vet. We also recommend keeping the pet poison hotline handy, 888-426-4435. What are some yummy treats you can share? Apples & carrots are great!

Halloween candy isn’t the only culprit that can place your puppy in harm’s way. Here are a few other tips that will be helpful keeping your pets safe:

  1. Watch those pumpkins, corn stalks and other indoor plants. Dogs & cats alike like to nibble on these, though they can also cause some harm. Just always be aware.
  2. Just like small children, your dog can get scared by what they aren’t prepared for at the door – including loud, unexpected noises like those of the human-kind and even the doorbell. Consider keeping your dog in a safe-place until the “main event” subsides.
  3. We’re sure to like to dress up your pup, we mean really, who doesn’t? Just make sure your dog is receptive to wearing a costume that fits, but doesn’t obstruct their view or normal movement. Even more important, make sure to tie up those loose ends so your pooch doesn’t get tangled or choked if they get caught on something.
  4. As in any given day, pay attention to those candles and cords. Getting wrapped up in them or knocking them over can have serious consequences. Enough said!
  5. Last but not least, don’t leave your pets outside. Who knows what tricks others might try to play on your pet. And, along those lines, always make sure your dog is chipped and has a collar.
Image source: / Instagram: @sircharlesdoodle
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